Back on my easel, large Koi painting

This painting was put aside for a while, now it's back on my easel!
There is no plan with this one, I'll stop when it feels right. You can see a little snippet of my photos clipped onto the backing board to the left. I surround myself with photos of koi that I've taken. I will often just stand there and stare at the photos, paint brush in hand.

I love the direction this is taking and I've become really excited about it.
 It's bizarre sometimes when I'm painting my heart actually starts to race when I get that gut feeling for what will go onto the canvas next. Then I just can't wait to do it, I can get quite cranky if I'm interrupted (shame on me)!

Well this morning the sun is shinning and I have a sick little girl with a box of tissues in the lounge room, so washing and cuddles are in order for today ...but I can see myself spending a long night in the studio tonight!


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